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  • Writer's pictureLaurel Werner


Networking has been the crucial aspect and factor for KiliTech’s development, we at KiliTech believe that networks creates opportunities by bringing both natural and human resources together for the development of the communities in Tanzania which we are helping in their development.

This time around we had friends from Finland led by Saara, first, they visited the KiliTech Moshi office and wanted to know what KiliTech specifically in our projects. The senior project Manager Mr Nashon Chacha walked them through our operations and gave them leaflets which show what KiliTech is all about and what it has done. Upon hearing what KiliTech is about and what it has done, visitors could not hold their back excitement and wanted to visit the project sites and witness the marvellous work that KiliTech is doing and the host Mr Nashon could not deny them that opportunity, the visitors were driven to Majengo sub location where there are projects and groups helped by KiliTech.

In Majengo sub location they were warmly received by Maua group with songs and laughter. The group had set up their new tent and the senior project manager on behalf of KiliTech cut the ribbon tied around the tent as a sign of officially inaugurating the tent. This event was followed by brief introduction of the guests to the group members of Tunakua group who had gathered at Majengo community hall also known as the Pentagon hall.

What followed next was a short tour around all the projects, starting with Maua group and Nyota Njema group where Saarah was able to test one of the sewing machines. The guests then visited Mwadu group bee hives and they were able to see and taste the packed honey. They later confessed it was the best honey they had ever tasted.

Finally they visited the maize mill and the senior project manager was their tour guide giving them a short history of every project.

Saarah concluded her visit saying that she would like to come back next time with her husband when they retire and she promised she would help in the good work that KiliTech was doing in the village.

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