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  • Writer's pictureLaurel Werner

Good things happen in threes!

My mother and my grandmother have always said bad things happen in threes. I remember when my brother missed his plane and I broke my toe, and my mom warned us there is one more bad thing going to happen! Then my sister's cat ate the gold fish and we all breathed a sigh of relief and life went back to normal! Anyway, I have a reverse philosophy that good things happen in threes!

Last week I had an email from a friend which gave me an idea, the idea led to a phone call, and the phone call is now materializing to starting a Rock Your World hub in Moshi, and what is also very cool is this will be the first RYW hub in Africa! RYW teaches kids video and filming skills and the meaning and importance of creative activism. We are now collecting camera gear we can loan the kids where they can film their lives and experiences and share their stories with the world. You never know what life experiences you will see through the eyes of a child but here are some examples. I am so proud to be part of this development!

Good thing number two! I also received the good news that KiliTech has been awarded our CBO (Community Based Organization) status with the regional office in Tanzania! We have been working on this for months! CBO status is a step lower than NGO (non-government entity) the difference being CBO organizations are community/regionally based and NGOs are nationally based. We are officially official and we are doing great things in Tanzanian communities!

The third good thing happened today! I received an invite to visit Project C.U.R.E., an amazing charity that ships medical supplies all over the world, especially to improverished and third world countries. The headquarters for Project C.U.R.E. is in Denver and I had the pleasure and honor of being shown around their office and the amazing warehouse, WOW!!!! Aren't these photos incredible?! I am so excited to be working with them and strategizing how we can get containers of medical equipment and supplies to the Kilimanjaro region and beyond! I feel so blessed to be in the right place at the right time, and to be doing so many good things for the people in Tanzania!

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