The girls vocation and education program is off and running! We have the application available and we printed it on pink paper! We have been working on the building bringing in water, toilets, painting, securing doors and windows, and getting the place prepped and upgraded. The students are going to LOVE their new building! We received a very generous donation for the program (THANK YOU! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!) and we will soon purchase the sewing machines, tables, chairs, and all the supplies needed to run the program. We have hired the teacher who I get to meet next week! I am so excited to be returning to my 2nd home, Kilimanjaro, and all the wonderful people I have grown to know and love. Asante sana for all your prayers! These photos are from our meeting in February where we proposed the Girls Vocation training and the community loves it and cannot wait for the school to open!

Beekeeping! Yes, Leslie and Gregg, if we build it the bees will come! We have hired Gregg's African brother to assist us in building hives and training the students how to take care of the bees. I am meeting him and others with the ministry of education next week which will be great fun and I am very honored that Thadei has arranged to meet the leaders in education in Kilimanjaro! Leslie, is our angel donor which is very appropriate because she is the bee queen and bee angel of Denver, Colorado! Thanks, Leslie!!

Thadei met with the Moshi District Medical Officer just yesterday (November 10) and they are very interested in working with us on the Mobile Health Clinic. We are partnering with them and Mawezi Regional Hospital to bring mobile healthcare to Majengo. We will rent one of the builings in the village that happens to be owned by the hospital and make it a "base station" for the mobile clinics and a place where the community can get more info on the available healthcare. The kids will receive free vaccinations, and everyone in the village will receive basic healthcare and family planning (birth control) and in exchange KiliTech will provide each mobile health clinic with a free laptop and we will assist the hospitals with Wifi and internet access and TAREO will offer free ICT education to the nurses and doctors. This is a GREAT partnership! We are looking for angel donors to support this project so if you are interested please let me know! Gwenn and Bob come to mind :) Below are photos I took in September at our first meeting at the hospital. This is the regional hospial and the MAIN hospital for the area! Healthcare is very basic but it's all they have and the nurses and doctors are very proud to help the community.